Feeling Blessed


(One of the little bantam beauty’s posing with my French Mary on the Easter Altar.)

It’s spring time and my little urban farm is stretching her wings. The chicks are arriving, the peepers are serenading  and the bees have emerged from their sleepy hive.

We are still in the prep stages of building the new barn and the chicks are without a coop. My hubby is a little frustrated at my eagerness to welcome our new fluffy friends before their accommodations are complete. The planning and building  our little farm has been a beautiful and never ending journey.  I am so thankful this dream is finally taking shape.  Due to my impatient nature and weakness to resist a baby chick when visiting the local farm store or browsing a hatchery catalog, the  planning stage has quickly advanced to a prep stage for construction of horse barns and chicken coops. I tend to jump in with both feet which sends my poor hubby in a tailspin as he is a detailed planner and I am a “let’s just wing it” kind of girl.

In the mean time I’m having  a blast making my new tenants comfy while capturing their adorableness every chance I get.

I am feeling so blessed and I’m very happy to share these blessing with you.


(Pippi is such an itty bitty  peep. I just  love her and  especially that little yellow spot on her tiny head.)

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